
The Solar Plexus Chakra; Verb "I can"

The colour of this Chakra is YELLOW. It is situated between the navel and the ribs. The element associated to it is fire. "Sense is sight". It is "programmed" between the ages of 9 to 12 (approximately).
The animal connected to it is a Ram. Symbol is a triangle.
This is often known as the main Chakra as it is like the spaghetti junction of our energy. It is sometimes called the Power Chakra. When this Chakra is out of balance we can feel unable to cope with things, (digesting or rejecting life) we are very fearful of situations, we over analyse and can become obsessive about things, we can have a severe lack of confidence, which we often disguise by either becoming very angry over the slightest thing or appearing over confident. Often we never finish what we start and our career ambitions can be quite affected by this Chakra. The physical effects of being out of balance are stomach problems and eating disorder or addictions. When balanced we will have willpower, positive self esteem and a strong sense of self identity enabling us to achieve what we want.
The best way to balance this Chakra is meditation, focusing on different issues that have caused you upset and again letting them go, replacing bad memories with positive thoughts. The crystal associated with it is Citrine and orange Calcite and Tigers Eye. Burning Juniper or Lavender oil can help. Or burning a yellow candle and again visualising a bright yellow ball of energy filling your solar plexus and pushing out any fear or negativity can help.
The Angels associated with this Chakra are Archangel Uriel and Michael or Jophiel.

AFFIRMATION "I acknowledge my power. I overcome cravings"



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